Area, Perimeter, & Volume of Rectangles Worksheets

How to Find the Area, Perimeter, & Volume of Rectangles - Some of you might think why the basic understanding of area, perimeter, and the volume of a rectangle is necessary. When you consider the science, the knowledge of area, perimeter, and volume of the rectangle is crucial for the construction of projects, crafts, and other applications. The basic definitions of area, perimeter, and volume is; the space inside the boundary of a two-dimensional shape is called an area. Perimeter is the distance covered around a two-dimensional shape such as a square or circle, and volume is the space taken up by a three-dimensional object. Following are the formulas for the area, perimeter, and volume of a rectangle; A = L x w. P = the sum of all sides of a rectangle (s + s + s + s) or 2L + 2W, where L is the length and W is the width of the rectangle. V = L x H x w.

Here's a useful; trick:

Perimeter: the word rim will help you remember that perimeter measures the distance around the rim of an object.