Want To Be Better At Video Games? Learn More About Patterns!

Article Summary: The patterns that you use in math class for solving problems, word problems, and other math challenges will help you do better at video games. You can also thank your math teacher(s), because they have preparing you all along to be a good video game player and preparing you to become a video game programmer one day.

Want to be better at video games? You need to be able to recognize patterns in the game. When you play a game several times you begin to develop a sense of when things are going to happen and what causes it to happen. You are recognizing the patterns within the game. Virtually every video game made has patterns. In some games the patterns are easy to find, while in the better games the patterns are a little more random. However, there are still patterns that are relatively random in video games.

The only video games that do not have patterns are those in which the outcome is strictly by chance. In these games the video game developer installed something called a random code generator, which makes everything happen strictly by chance. These games are beaten strictly on the basis of good luck.

However all the other games, which are most of those at your favorite video game store, have patterns built into the game. These patterns come in many forms and shapes, but you will recognize them as they happen.

Let's see why you recognize patterns in video games. You can begin by thanking your math teacher and if you took art in school, your art teacher too. Do you remember all those days in math class that you had do look for patterns in math problems. How about when you had geometry and you had to draw patterns and look at patterns as well. This is when you began to develop your video game playing skills.

Have you always been good with patterns in math class? Did you find that you understood patterns better in math class after you started plying video games? These two help each other, by making you a better video game player and better in math.

Think about a math class that you were required to find patterns in something, let's say the wall in your classroom. You first may say - boring, but when you play video games part of knowing what is happening in the background. The patterns in the back ground will give you clues based on the type of game you are playing.

Another example of patterns in math that is part of video games is work done by M.C. Escher. If you do not know who he is, look him up. His influence can be found in most video games that involving shapes transforming into another shape. Most of the video game programmers know about M. C. Escher, so if your goal in life is to be a video game programmer learn about his work.

Speaking of video game programmers, if you goal is to become one someday. Then you need to have a thorough understanding of patterns, algebra, and geometry. If you are enrolled in art, when given the opportunity work on any project that involves the use of patterns. This will help lay the foundation for your future as a video game programmer.

One question you may have is "Why do I need to learn Algebra?" Algebra is accomplished using logical reasoning skills that are based on the patterns within the problems. So there is a direct connection between you mathematical and algebraic skills to understanding patterns. If you do well in algebra and other math areas, then you will de well in video games.

The patterns that you use in math class for solving problems, word problems, and other math challenges will help you do better at video games. You can also thank your math teacher(s), because they have preparing you all along to be a good video game player and preparing you to become a video game programmer one day.