Power Word Problems Worksheets

How to Solve Word Problems That Have Exponents? When you're dealing with exponents (powers), the margin of error becomes quite less. More so in the case of word problems. Today, let us discuss how we can solve these problems with an example and complete it one step at a time. Adam is a high-rise window washer and has a task to wash 10 rows of windows, while each row consists of 10 windows. Your task is to find how many windows are there combined in the two-section, and write it in the form of exponents. Now, if we consider the multiplication aspect of it, you know that 10 windows each row will have a total of 10 x 10 windows. However, if you have to write in exponential form, you can write 102, since there are two 10s present there.

  • Basic Lesson

    Demonstrates general rules of Power Word Problems. Write an expression for the volume of a cube that has: 2p width, 3p length, and 5p height. Volume of a cube = width x length x height.

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  • Intermediate Lesson

    Explores how to engage complex power word problems. 6p and 4p are the length and width of rectangle. 4p and 5p are the length and width of rectangular B. Write the expression for rectangle A - rectangle B.

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  • Independent Practice 1

    Example: The cost of renting a bike is $35 per day plus $0.06 per mile. If a bike is rented for d days and is driven m miles a day, represent the cost, C, in terms of d and m. The answers can be found below.

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  • Independent Practice 2

    A rectangular swimming pool is twice as long as it is wide. A small concrete walkway surrounds the pool. The walkway is a constant 3 feet wide and has an area of 162 square feet. Find the dimensions of the pool.

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  • Homework Worksheet

    Example: A rectangular swimming pool is twice as long as it is wide. A small concrete walkway surrounds the pool. The walkway is a constant 4 feet wide and has an area of 784 square feet. Find the dimensions of the pool. Example problems are provided and explained.

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  • Topic Quiz

    Example: The cost of renting a car is $36 per day plus $0.01 per mile. If a car is rented for d days and is driven m miles a day, represent the cost, C, in terms of d and m. A math scoring matrix is included.

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  • Homework and Quiz Answer Key

    Answers for the homework and quiz.

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  • Lesson and Practice Answer Key

    Answers for both lessons and both practice sheets.

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Did you know...

I bet that you didn't know that in ancient Greece, the symbol for Pi denoted the number 80. Weird isn't it?