What is a Fraction and When Do We Use Them?
Fractions are a way of expressing those numbers that aren’t whole, natural, or integral numbers. However, every number can be expressed in fractional form. For example, if we take number ‘5', apparently, it is just five, no denominator. But it can be written as '5/1'. However, we usually don’t do that. We don’t write natural, whole, or integral numbers in fractional form. Fractions are used to represent only those numbers that have a fractional or decimal part.
A fraction consists of two parts that are a numerator that is written above the division and a denominator that is written below the division. There are two types of fractions: proper and improper. The denominator divides the numerator, and the numerator is the number that is being divided. Proper fractions have numerators smaller than the denominators. Improper fractions are their opposite. Fractions are used to show the outcome of a division.