Fractions to Decimals and Percentages Worksheets

How to Convert Fractions to Decimals and Percentages - The fractions that you come across every day can easily be converted into decimals and fractions. So, how do you convert a fraction into a decimal? Consider the fraction 2/5, how do you convert this fraction into a decimal? The traditional division you learnt in your early academic years is how you can convert a fraction into a decimal. Upon dividing the 2 by 5, we get 0.4. To convert a fraction into percentages, you can take up two approaches. The first one is to convert a fraction into a decimal and multiply it by 100 or simply take the fraction and multiply it by 100. Method 1 - As we have already converted the fraction 2/5 into a decimal. We can now multiply it by 100 to find the percentage. 0.4 × 100 = 40%. Method 2 - The next method is a straightforward method to convert a fraction into a decimal. 2/5 × 100 = 40%.

A fraction riddle to crack you up:

What do a soldier and a math problem have in common?
They both follow orders!