Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers Worksheets

How to Practice Operations with Mixed Numbers - Mixed numbers are the numbers that consist of a whole number and a fraction part. When performing operations on mixed numbers, we first convert them into an improper fraction and then perform any operation on them. Addition and Subtraction - The following steps are for performing addition and subtraction on a mixed number: First, convert all the mixed fractions of the given problem into improper fractions. Multiply the denominator with the whole number and add the product with the numerator. Multiply the numerator and the denominator of an improper fraction by a factor to get the lowest common denominator for each fraction. Add or subtract the fractions. Reduce the obtained fraction, if possible, and convert the improper fraction into a mixed number. Multiplication - The following steps are for performing multiplication on a mixed number: First, convert the given mixed number in the problem into improper fractions. Multiply the denominator with the whole number and add the product with the numerator. Next, multiply the numerators and the denominators. In case you can also reduce the numerators with denominators. Once you have multiplied, reduce the fraction, if possible. If the obtained fraction is improper, then convert them into a mixed number. Division - The following steps are for performing addition and subtraction on a mixed number: First, convert all the mixed fractions of the given problem into improper fractions. Multiply the denominator with the whole number and add the product with the numerator. Change the division into multiplication by taking the reciprocal of the divisor, for taking reciprocal; you will have to convert the numerator into denominator and the denominator into the numerator. Multiply the denominators and the numerators. In case you can also reduce or simplify the problem. Reduce the obtained fraction if possible. Convert the fraction into a mixed number if the achieved fraction is improper.