Rewrite Using the Commutative Property Worksheets

How to Rewrite a Value Using the Commutative Property - The commutative property comes from the word commute, which means to move around. The commutative property states that you can swap the numbers around but still get the same answer. That means that the order of the numbers doesn’t affect the result. Commutative property of addition says that you can add the numbers in any order but still gets the same result. The general form of the property is written as a + b = b + a. That means whether you add 3+2 or 2+3, you will get the same answer, that is 5. This property also works for more than two numbers. For example, 4+5+6 will give the same answer as 6+5+4. The commutative property of multiplication is similar to the commutative property of multiplication. This property states that the order of the numbers doesn’t affect the result. You might want to change the order of the number to make the problem easier, but your result will remain the same. The general form of the commutative property of multiplication is written as: a x b = b x a. For instance, multiplying 4 x 3 will give you the same answer as multiplying 3 x 4, and that is 12.

Just the Facts

A teacher was trying to impress her students with the fact that terms cannot be subtracted from one another unless they are like terms. "For example," she continued, "we cannot take five apples from six bananas."