Compare Numbers 0.0001 to 10 Worksheets

How to Compare Decimal Values with The Symbols > and <: When comparing two or more numbers, it is easier when they are whole numbers. However, if you have to compare two decimal numbers, you have to compare each place value individually carefully. Let us consider an example of comparing 0.50 and 0.25 and solve them in a step-by-step manner. The first step is to align the decimal points, i.e. (0.50/0.25) The next step is to right from the left and compares the digits until they are different, i.e. (0.50/0.25). Since, 5 > 2, therefore, 0.5 > 0.25. Let's take another example, i.e., 0.505 and 0.513. The first step is to align the decimal points, i.e. (0.505/0.513). The next step is to right from the left and compares the digits until they are different, i.e. (0.505/0.513). In this scenario, the first digit after the decimal in both terms is the same. So, now we move onto the next one. (0.505/0.513). Since, 0 < 1, then 0.505 < 0.513.

Here is some fun practice for estimating:

Estimate the weight of some apples, then weigh on the scale. You can go through the whole produce section. Make it a weekly task and you will get good at it.