Plot the Ordered Pairs Worksheets

How to Plot the Ordered Pairs - Before we talk about ordered pairs, let us start by understanding coordinate systems. A coordinate system is a two-dimensional number line. Two perpendicular number lines make up a coordinate system and create four quadrants. The horizontal axis is the x-axis, and the vertical axis is the y-axis. The point where these perpendicular axes cut each other is known as the origin. The coordinates of the origin are (0,0). Now, coming to the ordered pairs. These pairs contain the coordinate of a point that lies in the coordinate system. The form in which we write the ordered pairs is (x,y). x here is the x-coordinate, and y here is y coordinate. To plot the ordered pairs, extend a vertical line from the x-axis from the coordinate in the ordered pair. Extend a horizontal line from the y-axis from the coordinate in the ordered pair. Mark the point of intersection of these two lines and erase the lines drawn.

  • Basic Lesson

    Introduces the concept of plotting ordered pairs. Also includes practice problems. A very important math application is to locate points on a grid. When an ordered pair is used to locate a point on a grid, the two numbers are called the 'coordinates' of the point.

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  • Intermediate Lesson

    Offers a more difficult problem in this lesson. Also includes practice problems. On a graph grid, the point (0,0) is called the 'origin' The first coordinate of a plotted point is called the 'x' coordinate. The 'x' coordinate is the horizontal distance from the origin to the plotted point. The second coordinate of a plotted point is called the 'y' coordinate. The 'y' coordinate is the vertical distance from the origin to the plotted point.

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  • Independent Practice 1

    20 coordinate location problems. The answers can be found below. When locating points, positive 'x' values are to the right of the origin, while negative 'x' values are to the left of the origin. Also, positive 'y' values are above the origin, while negative 'y' values are below the origin.

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  • Independent Practice 2

    Plot 5 ordered pairs on each graph. The answers can be found below.

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  • Homework Worksheet

    An 'ordered pair' is simply two numbers in a certain order. Plot (-3, 2).Ordered pairs can also contain the same number twice. The point (2, 3) has been marked with a red dot. The coordinates of this point are '2' and '3'. Includes an example.

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  • Skill Quiz

    Find the coordinates of 10 items.

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  • Homework and Quiz Answer Key

    Answers for the homework and quiz.

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  • Lesson and Practice Answer Key

    Answers for both lessons and both practice sheets.

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In a Plane?

A coordinate system in a plane is a systematic method of assigning two or three numbers to each point in the plane that describe its position. For example, the points consisting of longitude, latitude and height above sea level define a coordinate system.