Writing Coordinates Worksheets

How to Identify the Coordinates of a Point - The basics of coordinate geometry is to identify the coordinates of a point on the graph. A student who does not have the skills to identify coordinate of a point on a graph, solving coordinate geometry problems becomes a hassle for them. Before we start with identification of coordinates of a point on a graph, we need to have a clear understanding of all the terms involved in the process. In order to be able to identify the coordinates, it is essential that a student knows the difference between an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate. The x-axis is the horizontal axis, and the y-axis is the vertical axis. Every coordinate has an x-value and a y-value and these are known as order pairs. To identify the x coordinate, draw a vertical line from the point towards the x-axis. The point at which the line touches the axis is the x co-ordinate. To identify the y co-ordinate, draw a horizontal line from the point towards the y-axis and the point where the line touches the y-axis is the y co-ordinate. When a point lies on the x-axis, its y co-ordinate is zero and if the point lies on the y-axis, the x co-ordinate is zero. If the point lies in the first quadrant, both the x and y co-ordinates are positive. In the second quadrant, the y co-ordinate is positive and x co-ordinate is negative. In the third quadrant, both x co-ordinate and y co-ordinate are negative and in the fourth quadrant, co-ordinate is positive and y co-ordinate is negative.

How Do You Set This Up?

Subtract 35 from 84.
First subtract the tens' place digits (8 - 3 = 5)
Increase the top ones' place value by 10 (4+10 = 14) by borrowing from the tens' digit
Subtract the two ones' place values (14 - 5 = 9)
Combine the tens' and ones' to make 49