Division with Remainders Worksheets

What Are Remainders in Division? There are four fundamental arithmetic operations in mathematics, and these include addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (×), and division (÷). Addition and subtraction are opposite operations and multiplication, and division are opposite operations. Division operation causes a quantity or an object to reduce in size because division operation is to split a quantity in equal portion, groups, or parts. There are two cases of division, the first is where the dividend is completely divisible by a divisor. The second case is where a dividend is not completely divisible by a divisor. The second case, results in a remainder. There are four types of values that we need to identify when dividing two numbers and these are divisor, dividend, quotient, and remainder. To understand the concept of remainder let’s take an example of 7 cupcakes that you are required to equally divide among three people. When you divide the cakes, after giving each 2 cupcakes, one will be left. The one left is what we know as the remainder.

The Anatomy of Division

Division is the process of repeated subtraction or the separation of a number into groups to find out how many times one number goes into another. The answer is called the quotient and if there are any left over, that is called the remainder.