Fraction Subtraction Worksheets

How to Subtract two Fractions - Subtracting fractions can be a bit confusing, but with continual practice, you can quickly master performing different operations on fractions. Before performing any operation, you should first see if the denominators of the fractions are the same. Also, if you have mixed fractions, convert them into improper fractions and make the denominators the same. Below we have listed the steps that you need to follow for performing subtraction on fractions. In most cases, the denominators of the fractions won’t be the same, and you will need to make same. Doing so would require you to find out all the multiples of the denominators. List the multiples and find out the least common multiple of the given denominators. Multiply the denominators and the numerators of the fractions. As a result, you will get the same denominators. Remember that if you change the numerators and denominator of one fraction, you will have to convert the numerators and the denominators of all the fractions present in the given problem. Once you have the same denominators, perform subtraction on the numerators while keeping the denominator the same. If possible, simplify your answer, reduce your fraction to the lowest possible fraction. In some cases, fractions cannot be reduced, and simplification will not be possible.

Fraction Anatomy

A fraction is made up of 2 numbers with a line separating them. The bottom number is called the denominator; it indicates the number of parts that make up a unit. The top number is the numerator and it describes how many parts are being dealt with.