Solving Functions Algebraically Worksheets

How to Solve Functions Algebraically - In algebra, we often come across a concept called functions. By a function, we mean that two values have a certain relation and that a change in one value can have a certain effect on the other value. In an algebraic function, there are usually two variables; one is called the dependent variable, and the other is called the independent variable. An independent variable, as the name indicates, does not affect its values due to a change in the value of the dependent variable. Whereas, if there is a change in the value of the independent variable, it affects the values of the dependent variable. Usually, functions are written in the form of an algebraic equation. Once we factorize or simplify the equation, we can solve the equation for the value of the independent variable and see the effect of the change in the value of the independent variable on the value of the dependent variable. The structure and degree of the equation decide the impact the change in the value of the independent variable will make on the value of the function.

A Math Riddle

What is the integral of "one over cabin" with respect to "cabin"?

Natural log cabin + c = houseboat