Parts of a Parabola Worksheets

What are Parts of a Parabola? In mathematics, a parabola is defined as the symmetrical open curve, which is formed by the intersection of a cone with a parallel plane to its side. To put it simply, a parabola is a curve where any given point lies at an equal distance from a fixed straight line and a fixed point. A parabola comes with several features that define its placement and shape on the cartesian plane. Vertex - Vertex is defined as the extreme point of the parabola. If the parabola opens down, the vertex will be the highest point on the graph. If the parabola opens down, then the vertex will be the lowest point on the graph. In both cases, the vertex is represented as the turning point of the parabola. Axis of Symmetry - The axis of symmetry lies parallel to the y-axis, and it’s the line drawn vertically through the vertex. x-intercept - The point on the cartesian plane where the parabola crosses the x-axis is known as the x-intercept. The number of x-intercepts depends on the location of the graph on the plane. y-intercept - The point on the cartesian plane where the parabola crosses the y-axis is known as the y-intercept.

Crazy Calculator Jokes

What is the easiest way to count a herd of cattle?

Use a cow-culator!