Transformations Worksheets

What are Geometric Transformations? The geometric transformation includes taking a preimage and molding or transforming it to obtain an image. Broadly, there are two types of geometric transformations: The non-rigid transformation that alters the size of the preimage while keeping the shape intact. The rigid transformation doesn't alter the size or shape of the preimage. Types of Transformation - Rigid and non-rigid transformations are further divided into different categories. Rotation, translation, and reflection fall in the rigid transformation, and dilation fall in the non-rigid category. Below we have briefly discussed each sub-category. Translation - It is a type of transformation that slides or moves across the plane or through space. In translation, all points of a figure move or slide in the same direction and cover the same distance. Rotation - As the name implies, rotation moves the figure about a line or point. It basically means to spin or turn the figure at a point. The point of turning or spinning is known as the center of rotation. This center can lie outside the figure or be present on the figure. Reflection - Reflection is a transformation that involves flipping the shape across the line to create a mirror image, in the mirror image, the measures of lines and angles are preserved. Dilation - Dilation is the transformation that involves expanding or contracting the shape without disturbing its orientation or shape.

Geometry Poem and Joke

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Greens' functions are boring
And so are Fourier transforms.

Want a quick problem solving tip? Here's one: The only angle from which to approach a problem is the try-angle!