Three Step Problems Worksheets

How to Solve Three Step Operation Problems - We have discussed one-step and two-step problems. A one-step problem has any one mathematical operation to solve. The two-step problem has any two mathematical operations to solve for. Three-steps problem work similar to the one-step and two-step problems but with an addition of one more step. Note that all these problems have to be solved according to the PEMDAS rule. Three-step operation problems have an addition of another operation to them. They are carried out in the same way as the one-step and two-step problems. The three-step problem follows the same rule of PEMDAS, which is parentheses and exponents are solved first. Following parentheses and exponents, the rest of the operations are solved. Multiplication is given priority over division, and addition and subtraction are solved next. For example, if you are given a problem, (4 + 5) x 12. You will start solving this problem by solving the parenthesis first. Within the parenthesis, you will resolve the problem for addition first. After solving for addition, you will move to solve multiplication. Once you have the sum, you will multiply it with the outside number and find the final result.

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