Mutually Exclusive Events Worksheets

What Are Mutually Exclusive Events in Probability? In probability, events are defined as the outcomes and the results achieved from the experiments. Where some events bear some resemblance among them, others show no relationship between them. In other words, some events tend to affect the occurrence of other events, while some do not affect the chances of occurrence of other events. Probability broadly entails two types of events: simple and compound. When we conduct a single experiment to achieve a single outcome, it is known as a simple event. However, when more than one outcome is possible, we get a compound event. These compound events are again categorized as mutually exclusive and mutually inclusive events. Mutually exclusive events are those events that cannot happen at the same time. In such situations, when one event takes place, it often hinders the second event from happening. Mutually exclusive events always have different outcomes. For instance, if you get a head on a coin toss, you won't get a tail on the same coin toss. Events like these are mutually exclusive. Another way to understand these events is by rolling of a fair-die. The probability of getting a 4 when you roll a die is 1/6. There is only one 4 on the die, and the possible outcomes are 6. In these cases, it is impossible to get a 4 and 5 together upon rolling a single die. Events like these are known as mutually exclusive events.

  • Basic Lesson

    Introduces the concept of predicting multiple outcomes. A pair of dice is rolled. What is the probability that the sum of the numbers rolled is either 7 or 11?

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  • Intermediate Lesson

    This lesson focuses on determining the probability of sums.

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  • Independent Practice 1

    Students practice with 20 Mutually Exclusive Events problems. The answers can be found below. A pair of dice is rolled. What is the probability that the sum of the numbers rolled is either an even number or a multiple of 5?

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  • Independent Practice 2

    Another 20 Mutually Exclusive Events problems. The answers can be found below. A pair of dice is rolled. What is the probability that the sum of the numbers rolled is either an even number or a multiple of 3?

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  • Homework Worksheet

    Reviews all skills in the unit. A great take home sheet. Also provides a practice problem. A pair of dice is rolled. What is the probability that the sum of the numbers rolled is either an even number or a multiple of 4? Of the 36 possible outcomes, 18 are even sums.

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  • Skill Quiz

    10 problems that test Mutually Exclusive Events skills.

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  • Homework and Quiz Answer Key

    Answers for the homework and quiz.

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  • Answer Key

    Answers for the lesson and practice sheets.

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Who is Happy?

There were 9 candies with 3 flavors, but there were 4 kids. What is the probability of 4 kids getting their first choice? If they all want the same, there will be 1 unhappy child.
pr(4 happy) = 1 - pr(1 unhappy)

= 1- 3/81 = 1-1/27 = 26/27 = 96%