Absolute Value of Complex Numbers Worksheets

How to Find the Absolute Value of Complex Numbers - Today, we will look at the absolute value of a complex number. Consider the complex number Z which is equal to a + bi like this; Z = a + bi OR |Z| = |a + bi| - > eq. (a) Here, you have to find the absolute value of the complex number. Eq. (a) is simply equals to the square of root a2 + b2 The value will become; |a + bi| = √a2 + b2 - > eq. (b) So, you can suppose that Z is equal to 8 + 6i i.e., Z = 8 + 6i. Therefore, we will take the absolute value of Z that will be equal to √82 + 62 Here, a = 8 & b = 6 {these are the values that are present under the square root of eq. (b)} Put these value in eq (b): |Z| = (√) 82 + 62 |Z| = (√) 64 + 36 |Z| = (√) 100 that is equals to 10 So, the answer will be 10 as the absolute value of the complex numbers a + bi. |Z| = 10 Answer!

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