What Math Concepts Are Taught in First Grade?

Article Summary: They learn to use estimations skills to explain measurement. This is also connected with geometry as they learn how to measure the length, area, volume, and mass of different objects. They learn how to measure all aspects of circles, prisms, and pyramids. They learn to use different traditional measuring tools for taking measurements of objects.

Why Do We Study Math?

Math teaches us how to develop logical thoughts which is to say that we clearly identify with problems and devise solutions to satisfy the conditions that they put in play. Over the course of a student’s math career, they will learn the importance of planning the correct steps to reach a conclusion. We often neglect to see how often we use math in our daily lives. A recent Ivy League study attempted to quantify the number of instances that a typical person uses math in their daily lives. It became near impossible to quantify that number because it was too frequent. The study had to be stopped because subjects could carry on with their normal daily activities because they had to report every time, they used math. It occurred so frequently, that they were distracted to heavily from their daily routines.

First grade math concepts cover a range of mathematics topics. These are the math concepts that students should understand by the end of the first grade based on the National Mathematics Standards.

Numbers and Operations concepts taught in the first grade include the use whole numbers in a variety of arithmetic and real world situations. Students apply addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication to problems and differentiate between the four operations. They use various strategies for using whole numbers to solve real and simulated situations. First grade students additionally study basic fractions such as 1/2, 1/4, etc. They use calculators, along with traditional tools to solve arithmetic operations.

Geometry concepts are taught by developing an understanding of two and three dimensional objects, such as: squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, cubes, rectangles, etc. They also study the objects to compare their parts related to two and three dimensional shapes. Additional areas of geometry and shapes focus on how close objects are to other objects in relation to how near or how far away they are to each other. Students apply the concept of distance in relation to maps and globes. In addition, they relate the ideas of geometry to other concept areas of mathematics. They learn to recognize geometric shapes in common everyday objects.

Algebra concepts concentrate on the study of patterns for repeating and growing patterns in the properties of objects. They develop an understanding of patterns in sounds, shapes, and numbers. They use changes in patterns to quantify and qualify descriptions.

Measurement concepts focus on the using standard and non-standard units of measurement to determine the relationships between different objects. For example: using their bodies, cubes, their feet, and other objects to find the length of an object. They learn to use estimations skills to explain measurement. This is also connected with geometry as they learn how to measure the length, area, volume, and mass of different objects. They learn how to measure all aspects of circles, prisms, and pyramids. They learn to use different traditional measuring tools for taking measurements of objects.

Data Analysis and Probability concepts are designed to have students use appropriate language to ask questions regarding data they collected. They sort and classify objects to make predictions of outcomes. They learn how to develop questions that will help them find the differences between two samples in a population. Describe predictions as likely or unlikely to happen based on their data. Represent data in using concrete objects, pictures, and graphs.

Problem Solving for first grade students focuses the development of problem solving strategies to help them develop a fundamental understanding of mathematics. Students use word problems and other real world simulations in problems solving situations.

Representation concepts focus on students learning to collect and organize data, then using the data to solve problems. Answers are presented as models that are numerical, written, physical, and social. They are able to draw graphs, charts, tables, and other forms to explain how they solved a problem.

Connection concepts are designed for first grade students to demonstrate how to make connections to real world applications and other subject content areas. This includes making connections with other concepts in mathematics.

Communicate their mathematics ideas in the form of sentences, drawings, posters, and multimedia applications is another concept that students need to master. This is used to ascertain their level of understanding as they explain mathematical concepts to other students and teachers.

Reasoning and Proof concepts are used to explain mathematical findings and problem solving techniques. This is necessary so that they develop skills on how to present logical arguments to math situations.

All of these mathematical concepts are used to develop a well rounded base knowledge of mathematical ideas and language as students' progress to higher levels of mathematics.