Set-Builder and Interval Notation Worksheets

What Is Interval Notation? We use various ways to simplify the information provided in a mathematical problem. One of the effective ways is the interval notation. To write interval notation, we express a set of real numbers with a starting point and an endpoint written within parenthesis or brackets. in other words, interval notation is used t write the subsets of real numbers. Before writing an interval notation, we need to understand two things. First, we have to determine the endpoints of the interval. These endpoints are the numbers written one point to another. Endpoints can be positive infinity, negative infinity or a number. The next thing that you need to understand is knowing the type of interval you have. In a closed interval, endpoints are written and included in the interval. It is expressed in the form below, [a, b]. However, in an open interval, both the endpoints are not included in the interval. It is expressed in the format shown below where b and c are the endpoints. [b, c). The parenthesis present at the one end shows an open interval. That means endpoint 'c' is not included in the interval. The bracket written on one end indicates a closed interval that means that the endpoint 'b' is included in the interval.

Mixing the Masters

What do you get when you combine the Einstein and Pytahgoras discoveries?
Answer: E c c2 = m(a2 + b2).