Division Word Problem Worksheets
How to Spot Division in Word Problems - When solving word problems there are specific terms that indicate the arithmetic operation that we have to apply. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, each operation is associated with different keywords that represent the operation. Division is equally portioning an object or quantity and is represented by ÷ and /. Whenever we are dealing with division word problems, we will come across specific terms and phrases. These include; Quotient of ____ and ____ | Divide ____ by ____ | ___ divided by ___ | Divided equally | Per. When you spot any of these phrases or terms in a word problem know that it is a division word problem.
Basic Lesson
Introduces division word problems as a fill in the blank activity. Also includes practice problems. Example: 26 people are going to party. A taxi can carry 3 people. How many taxis do they need?
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Independent Practice 1
Once you finish this sheet you will be ready to transport large groups with ease. The answers can be found below.
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Independent Practice 2
Uses larger groups and more taxis than practice sheet 1. The answers can be found below.
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Basic Lesson
Demonstrates how to solve a division word problems by outlining sentences. Example: Ronny had 12 sweets. He wanted to put them into 4 packets in such a way that each packet had the same number of sweets. How many sweets should he put in each packet?
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Intermediate Lesson
Walks students step-by-step through division word problems. Sample: Amy has 20 photographs of the class picnic. She wants to put them in the classroom. If she puts 5 pictures on one sheet of paper, how many sheets of paper will she need?
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Independent Practice 1
Asks students to find the quotient within word problems. The answers can be found below. Example: There are total of 36 boys with 4 boys in each team. How many teams are there?
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Independent Practice 3
Students work with division word problems. The answers can be found below.
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That's Odd!
Here's something that seems odd - a number that can't be divided evenly by the number two. Of course, we know that numbers are considered to be odd or even, even numbers are those that are divisible evenly by two.
What Goes Where?
To help remember which number goes inside the long division sign, the dividend, you can say the "top-in's" and "left-overs" go inside the refrigerator. Those are the top number of the fraction and the number to the left of the division sign in an equation.