Parallel, Intersecting, and Perpendicular Lines Worksheets

What are Parallel, Perpendicular, and Intersecting Lines? You probably are familiar with the term line. No, it isn't the line that requires you to stand to wait for your turn. In geometry, there are three different types of lines, namely, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, and intersecting lines. Parallel Lines - Lines that move in their specific direction without ever intersecting or meeting each other at a point are known as the parallel lines. As these never meet or intersect, the distance between also remains the same. Some real-life examples of parallel lines are the railway tracks. The rails of the track extend individually without meeting each other, and the distance between them is also unchanged. Another example is the lines drawn on a writing pad. Perpendicular Lines - Lines that meet each other at a certain point and form a right angle are known as the perpendicular lines. Some real-life examples of perpendicular lines include the tiles meeting each other at a right angle. Any arrangement that allows two lines to be set at 90 degrees are examples of perpendicular lines. Intersecting Lines - Lines that seem to cross each other or meet at a point when extended to some length are known as the intersecting lines. The point where these lines meet is known as the intersection point.

Those Crazy Lines

Have your heard about the the parallel lines that actually do meet?

They are very discrete.