Proofs in Coordinates Worksheets

How to Write Proofs in Coordinates - The process of placing geometric figures in a coordinate plane for solving the problem is known as the coordinate geometry. While solving a coordinate proof for any shape, you first need to know the properties and the definition of the shape. For example, if you are solving for a quadrilateral that has to be proven as a parallelogram. Then you will need to show that parallelogram has two opposite and parallel sides. Also, you will have to figure out how you can employ algebra to prove the properties of the shape into consideration. Typically coordinate geometry makes use of theorems and proofs to solve a problem. It also employs formulas like midpoint formula, distance formula, and slope formula: Slope Formula (m) = (y2 - y1 ) / (x1 - x2), Midpoint formula (x,y) = ((x2+ x2)/2 , (y1+ y2)/2) Distance Formula (d) = √(x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2. When we start developing a coordinate proof, we first plot all the points. Next, we have to draw the figure and label it correctly. Mention all the formulas that you will use to prove the geometric proof. Lastly, write a concluding sentence states that what you have proven in true and supports it with a reason. You will need a theorem or a definition to support this concluding sentence.


What do you get if you divide thirty (30) by half and then add ten?
The answer is twelve: 30 divided by 15 equals 2 and two plus ten equals twelve. How? Thirty divided by half is not the same as 30 divided in half!