Numbers Based on Percentages Worksheets

How to a Percentage of an Integer - To change a number (either a whole number or a decimal) into a percent, essentially multiply by 100. That is equivalent to moving the decimal point two spots to one side. You may need to adjust to the ideal accuracy. Include a percent (%) sign. To transform a percent into a whole number or decimal number, basically, partition by 100. That is equivalent to moving the decimal point two spots to one side. Remove the percent (%) sign. To change over a portion to a percent, isolate the numerator of the division by the denominator. At that point, increase by 100 or move the decimal point two spots to one side, round the response to the ideal exactness. Include a percent (%) sign.

Old and New

To decide whether a change has resulted in an increase or decrease, remember this formula: (new-old)/old. You take the new price, subtract the old one and divide the answer by the old price. The resulting decimal can then be converted to a percentage.