What Math Concepts Are Taught In Seventh Grade?

Article Summary: The curriculum concentrates on solution to problems using probability rules with accurate predictions. The design and implementation of statistical data that is associated with real life problems is also thought in seventh grade Math concepts.

The seventh grade Math concepts include the learning Math using interactive games, activities, worksheets, corroboration and evaluation. The calculations and manipulations are the main perception of seventh grade Math. The seventh grade Math syllabus covers all the arithmetic as well as the strands of Math.

The major strands include the arithmetic sense and calculations, the algebra, the special sense, the geometry, the measurement, the probability and the analysis of data. The syllabus covers the decimals, percentage, exponential values, scientific notation, the ratios and the roots. The students acquire more informative measurement techniques as well as a thinking ability to solve complicated geometric and algebraic equations.

Number System for Seventh Grade:

The student of seventh grade Math learns names and numerals for integers, decimals, ratios, percentages, exponents, fractions, scientific notation and root radical. They learn to read and express whole figures and decimal in extended form. They also learn to order the numerical forms in the seventh grade Math.

The students of seventh grade Math learn rational and irrational numbers to cope up with real world situations. They use graphical and physical demonstrations to define both rational and irrational numbers. The association between the decimals, fractions and percentages are also an essential concept of seventh grade Math. The seventh grade children get to learn commutative, associative, identity, equality, distributive and inverse properties.

They also learn to convert whole number into exponential form and to convert exponential notation to numerical values. In addition, they learn to express numerical values into scientific values. The Math concept concentrates on everyday problems such as simple interest, compound interest, taxes, discounts and tips. The students are made to exercise on problems with parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.

The differentiation of prime and composite numbers is another concept associated with seventh grade Math. The common factors and common multiples are also included in the syllabus. The students use divisibility property to find solution to daily practical problems.

Concept of Measurements in Seventh Grade:

The seventh grade Math syllabus includes concrete and graphical representation to explain the students about formulas used to find areas and volumes of solid shaped bodies. The students find solution and explanation to problems related to perimeter, volume, circumference, area and volume of solids such as prisms, cubes and cylinders.

The students learn to measure the angles of geometrical figures using protractor. The syllabus also includes associative angles such as the corresponding angle, the complementary angle, the supplementary angle, the exterior angle and the interior angle.

The seventh grade students create new figures with a variation in dimensions. They also produce proportional models, figures and scale drawing. The students use metric measurement units to find the length, mass, volume, weight and capacity. They also use customary units to measure all the parameters coming across in real life. The students learn to solve complex problems and find areas and volumes of trapezoids, triangles, prisms and parallelograms using defined formulas.

Geometry, Algebra and Probability in Seventh Grade Math:

The seventh grade Math geometry includes the sketch, identification, classification, hypothesis, construction and measurement of different geometric figures and associated problems. Description of congruent shaped figures and the identification of rotated, translated and reflected geometrical shapes and tessellate plane. It also includes the analysis of tiling patterns.

Seventh grade level math includes the study of algebraic equations and simple formula related statements. The syllabus includes simple one variable linear algebraic expression and problems. The students need to do different calculations with different forms of algebraic equations.

The curriculum concentrates on solution to problems using probability rules with accurate predictions. The design and implementation of statistical data that is associated with real life problems is also thought in seventh grade Math concepts.