Rounding Worksheets

On this page you will find: a complete list of all of our math worksheets relating to rounding. Choose a specific addition topic below to view all of our worksheets in that content area. You will find addition lessons, worksheets, homework, and quizzes in each section.

Rounding Worksheets Listed Alphabetically:

  1. Estimate Large Sums and Differences
  2. Estimate on a Number Line
  3. Estimate Sums and Differences
  4. Estimate the Number of Objects
  5. Estimating Length
  6. Estimate Length and Weight (Metric)
  7. Estimating Weight and Volume
  8. Estimating Quotients
  9. Estimating Sums and Differences
  10. Estimating Sums and Differences with Decimals
  11. Estimating Sums and Differences with Fractions
  12. Rounding to Tens, Hundreds, Thousands
  13. Rounding to Thousandths
  14. Estimating the Half Way Point
  15. Rounding Numbers To Tens
  16. Visually Estimate Sums and Differences

Rounding Worksheets Listed By Skill Development:

  1. Estimating the Half Way Point
  2. Estimate on a Number Line
  3. Estimate the Number of Objects
  4. Estimating Length
  5. Visually Estimate Sums and Differences
  6. Estimate Sums and Differences
  7. Estimate Large Sums and Differences
  8. Estimating Weight and Volume
  9. Rounding Numbers To Tens
  10. Rounding to Tens, Hundreds, Thousands
  11. Rounding to Thousandths
  12. Estimate Length and Weight (Metric)
  13. Estimating Sums and Differences
  14. Estimating Sums and Differences with Decimals
  15. Estimating Sums and Differences with Fractions
  16. Estimating Quotients

Why Do We Round Numbers?

Math is a very confusing subject, for sure. But it has many questions and many definitions that are not just easy, but also real fun to solve. If you are wondering as to why we round numbers, there is no answer except that it gives us a better idea of which number we are or will be dealing with. Let us take a quick review of what rounding off is! Rounding off is a rough idea of what the value is equal to without having a proper idea of the number. Rounding off numbers requires operating mentally, and often there is no need to get an exact result, instead only an idea or an estimate is required of the outcome. Here is what you need to do to round off numbers: Take a look at the numbers. If the number you need to round is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, the number will be rounded up. For example, the number you have is 48; the rounded up number will be 50. If the number you need to round is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, the number will be rounded down. For example, the number you have is 44; the rounded up number will be 40.