Grade Seven Math Curriculum
In what order should Grade Seven students complete
math lessons? We decided to create our own Grade Seven math curriculum.
Following the math worksheets and lessons in this order will make it easy
for parents, teachers, and most of all students.
The curriculum guide is broken into two topics per week. This is
a good pace for Grade Seven students during the school year. Over
the summer, you might want to do two weeks of work every week. Just
follow the weeks in order to follow the curriculum guide.
If your student is more advanced than the early weeks, fill free
to skip ahead. We would suggest that it is perfectly alright and even
advantageous to allow students to succeed early on. As it will help
them to build "math confidence".
Week 1
- Like Terms
- Absolute Value
Week 2
- Reciprocal of Fractions and Whole Numbers
- 4 Digit to 5 Digit Division & 5 Digit to 5 Digit Division
Week 3
- Combining Like Terms (Simple)
- Circumference
Week 4
- Compare & Order Decimals, Percents, and Fractions
- Order of Operations (3-Step Problems)
Week 5
- Number Line Expression
- Visual Expressions
Week 6
- Fraction Word Problems (Moderate)
- Solving Equations Division Principle
Week 7
- Invent Words with Calculators
- Adding Mixed Numbers
Week 8
- Subtracting Mixed Numbers
- Area of Parallelogram
Week 9
- Percent of a Number
- Common Multiples and Least Common Multiple
Week 10
- Plotting and Finding Ordered Pairs
- Compare & Order Decimals, Percents, and Fractions
Week 11
- Solving Equations Subtraction Principle
- Simplify the Equations
Week 12
- Solving Proportion Problems
- Word Based Proportions Easy
Week 13
- Measure length in cm, mm and meters
- Measurement Word Problems
Week 14
- Converting Units of Length, Mass, Capacity
- Writing Exponents
Week 15
- Calculating Interest with U.S. Dollars
- Calculating Interest with U.S. Dollars over 1 full year
Week 16
- Tree Diagrams
- Mean, Median, Mode
Week 17
- Ratio And Proportion Word Problems
- Ratio Tables
Week 18
- Classify Triangles
- Box and Whisker Plot
Week 19
- Read and Make Stem and Leaf Plots
- Area of a Circle
Week 20
- Volume Word Problems
- Rewrite by Factoring
Week 21
- Simplifying the Expressions
- Building Quadrilaterals