Grade One Math Curriculum

In what order should Grade One students complete math lessons? We decided to create our own Grade One math curriculum. Following the math worksheets and lessons in this order will make it easy for parents, teachers, and most of all students.

The curriculum guide is broken into two topics per week. This is a good pace for Grade One students during the school year. Over the summer, you might want to do two weeks of work every week. Just follow the weeks in order to follow the curriculum guide.

If your student is more advanced than the early weeks, fill free to skip ahead. We would suggest that it is perfectly alright and even advantageous to allow students to succeed early on. As it will help them to build "math confidence".

Week 1

  1. Simple Word Problems
  2. Visual Subtraction

Week 2

  1. Which Shape Doesn't Belong
  2. Using A Number Line To Do Subtraction

Week 3

  1. Shape, Color, and Number Match
  2. Connect the Dot

Week 4

  1. Following Directions With Shapes
  2. Subtraction Numbers 0 to 9 Vertical and Horizontal

Week 5

  1. Single Digit Subtraction
  2. Adding Single Digits to Double Digits

Week 6

  1. Learning Basic Shapes and Sides
  2. Complete the Symmetry

Week 7

  1. Estimating the Half Way Point
  2. Learning About The Calendar

Week 8

  1. Adding Double and Triple Digits
  2. Estimate the Number of Objects

Week 9

  1. Two Digit Subtraction
  2. Estimate on a Number Line

Week 10

  1. Ordering and Position
  2. Which Shape Doesn't Belong

Week 11

  1. Double Digit Addition
  2. Patterns with Shapes and Pictures

Week 12

  1. Picture Based Measurement
  2. Consecutive Numbers

Week 13

  1. Number Sequence
  2. Addition Word Problems

Week 14

  1. Subtraction Word Problems
  2. Rounding Numbers To Tens

Week 15

  1. Estimating Length (Simple)
  2. Number Pattern Sequence

Week 16

  1. Larger Numbers And Smaller Numbers
  2. Reading Picture Graphs

Week 17

  1. Visual Fractions
  2. Estimating Length

Week 18

  1. Addition Number Grid
  2. Estimating Weight and Volume

Week 19

  1. Reading Horizontal Picture Graphs
  2. Reading Vertical Picture Graphs

Week 20

  1. Greater Than, Less Than
  2. Number Family (Addition)

Week 21

  1. Matching Number Sentences to Pictures
  2. Greater Than, Lesser Than, or Equal

Week 22

  1. Making Change with Coins
  2. Addition Math Trails Puzzles